jueves, 9 de junio de 2011


During the month of May we have learnt about Egypt. Here are some photographs.

Maiatzean zehar Egiptori buruz ikasten egon gara. Hemen daude argazki batzuk.


During the month of May 1F pupils have made a project about the Planets. Here are some pictures.

Maitzean zehar 1F-ko ikasleak Planetei buruz lan egiten egon dira. Hemen daude argazki batzuk.


Maiatzan zehar 1E-ko ikasleak ur azpiko animaliei buruzko proiektu txiki bat egin dute, hona hemen proiektuko argazki batzuk.

During the month of May pupils from 1E class have been working in a little project called "Under the sea", here are some photographs